The Law of The Harvest

At various times in my life I have lived on a farm, and I guess at heart I’m a country boy. One important lesson I have learned from living on the land is “the law of the harvest.” As you sow, so shall you reap.
In order to have an abundant crop this year, you have to follow particular steps, in order. You have to cultivate and prepare the ground. You have to plant and sow the seeds. You have to water and tend to your growing plants. Finally, you have to bring in the harvest at the right time and put it in a safe place.
The Magic Power of an “Attitude of Gratitude”

The morning alarm clock came on, playing some good music. With eyes closed, the man reached out and tapped the snooze button, then enjoyed a few more minutes of rest in his comfortable bed.
Next to the bed there was a window where he could see the sunrise. As the first rays of the morning sun shone on his face, one eye lazily opened to view the beautiful painting in the sky.